Today, Animal Rising has released a photo of the three lambs rescued from the Sandringham Estate last May. The photo shows the lambs fully grown, happy, and healthy.
On 24/5/23, three women (Rose, Sarah, and Rosa) rescued three lambs from King Charles III's Appleton Farm to save them from being killed for meat and begin “a national conversation about our broken relationship with other animals and the natural world” [1].
Despite saving the lives of the three animals, the three women are set to stand trial at Norwich Crown Court later this year [2].
An updated photo of the animals has been released almost a year after the rescue of three lambs belonging to King Charles III. The photo shows the animals fully grown and happy, a sharp contrast to the fate they would have experienced if left unsaved.
Sarah Foy, one of the women who rescued the animals said:
“It’s heartwarming to see Sammy, Sunny, and Sooty grown up and enjoying life; they’ll now have the opportunity to reach their full lifespan of a decade or more. It’s incredible to hear about the bond the three have formed with each other. In a nation of animal lovers, this is how sheep, cows, chickens, and all animals should be able to live.”
The release of this photo comes shortly after Animal Rising released a photo of one of the beagles the group rescued from MBR Acres in 2022 [3]. Since Summer 2022, the group has rescued a total of 28 animals on three separate occasions - putting the spotlight on industries such as animal testing and farming.
The action also aimed to highlight the environmental damage caused by animal farming and fishing, with around 16% of UK land is dedicated purely to sheep grazing, whilst providing less than 1% of dietary calories [4].
In 2018, comprehensive research from the University of Oxford showed that 76% of the land currently used for food production would be freed-up by a global transition to plant-based production [5]. This land could be rewilded and begin carbon drawdown, mitigating the worst impacts of climate breakdown.
Dan Kidby, Co-Founder of Animal Rising said:
“I believe that we truly are a nation of animal lovers. Many of us wouldn’t hesitate to help a dog trapped in a hot car, and the rescue of Sammy, Sunny, and Sooty is no different. We all have the urge to step up and defend innocent life, and now is the time to bring that compassion to the surface and create a better world for all life.”
Animal Rising is a social movement to create a new relationship with all beings and give us a chance for a safe ecological future. The group primarily calls for the transition to a secure and sustainable plant-based food system, alongside a mass rewilding programme.
Word Count: 482
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