This afternoon (30/6/23), 3 supporters of Animal Rising were arrested by police miles away from Towcester Racecourse.
Police have seized a number of belongings from the properties, including a seven-year-old's tablet along with the whole family's tech in one of the raids, and also smashed down a gate.
Supporters of Animal Rising have today (30/6/23) been preemptively arrested before even entering the county of Northamptonshire. The group aims to cancel the race tomorrow, worth £175,000, widely known as the most prestigious event in the industry.
Nathan McGovern, an Animal Rising spokesperson said:
“The police could be spending their time preventing violent crimes or sorting out the catastrophic internal issues they currently face. Instead, they have lost the plot and decided to take away a toy from a child and arrest individuals before they have even stepped outside to peacefully protest. This echoes the standard behaviour we are seeing where all forms of dissent or opposition are being cracked down on, and we are witnessing democracy erode away in front of our eyes.
If individuals are not even given the opportunity to protest then progress will stagnate and the harm and suffering will remain. We remain committed to stopping the race tomorrow and protecting the Greyhounds from harm. We urgently need to talk about how we can fix our relationship with all animals, whether they be in Greyhound racing, horse racing, our food system, or beyond.”
Animal Rising supports calls by the RSPCA, Dogs Trust, and Blue Cross to end Greyhound racing in the UK.
Animal Rising is a social movement to create a new relationship with all beings and give us a chance for a safe ecological future. The group primarily calls for the transition to a safe and secure plant-based food system, alongside a mass rewilding programme.
Word count: 303
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Tom (Press Back Office): +44 1225 29 6691
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